Monday, April 21, 2014

IVF Talk and GYN appt

Somehow, miracle of miracles, I was able to schedule both my IVF Talk and my GYN exam on the same day - and on a day that we don't have school. Hooray! 2 appointments, no time off! Granted, my family got to hang out without me all day and have fun on their day off, but I didn't have to miss work and use valuable sick time, and I didn't have to worry about daycare for the baby. Doesn't get much better than that.

My morning appointment was my IVF talk. I didn't realize I needed this appointment, since I already know the drill. It was short and sweet. We're doing the same protocol as last time to get more eggs and doing ICSI the day of to get everything fertilized as soon as possible. Fingers crossed.

My afternoon appointment was a regular GYN exam that I needed to prove I was healthy before starting. Also easy peasy and got it out of the way. This cycle was busy getting everything crammed in, but now we're going to hit a lull before the actual storm.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


I was seriously not looking forward to my HSG today. The mock bothered me so much the day of, and I spotted and cramped for several days. I did not like it! So I was not looking forward to having the radioactive version today.

I met one of the docs I didn't work with last time and he was very nice. I don't know what kind of screening process they go through to hire people at this place, but it works and every other company on earth should use it!

My HSG was totally normal and still no evidence of America's biggest polyp or any scarring from its removal. Whew.

Afterwards, I went to a LapCorp to get regular bloodwork done - I had to prove yet again that I don't have HIV or Hepatitis. (5th or 6th time, I'm not sure which - My insurance company probably thinks I have high risk behavior or something!) It was not a pleasant experience. I don't like when blood draw places are dirty. The actual blood drawing was sanitary, I just felt like the office in general was not. Ick.

We're sharing a car this week due to mine being in the shop, so I had to kill even more time after that before picking Hubby up from work. Since I had to take a vacation day for this journey, I decided to get my hair cut. :)

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Day 3 bw

Today was my first early morning bw & u/s appointment at the local office. The morning bw girl has changed since my last cycle. Right when I finished last time, the girl was leaving to work at the hospital. The new girl is nice, but didn't seem to have the same sense of urgency in the morning. I don't need to chit chat, I need to get to work!

I dropped the baby off at daycare 20 minutes early, then headed over to the office. I waited and waited and waited. Then it was finally my turn and all my u/s stuff came out fine. I got out of there right at 7:30 and got to work right when it was official duty day. It takes a lot longer to get there at 7:30 and from the other side of town!