Thursday, February 28, 2013

Almost 39 Weeks...

We had our (6 hours short of) 39 weeks appointment tonight. He didn't check me other than to measure my stomach and listen to the heartbeat. Last week at our (6 hours short of) 38 weeks appointment, I was having a ton of contractions to the point where you could see my stomach getting hard. But those are few and far between at this point. He said that if I'm still pregnant at my (6 hours short of) 40 weeks appointment, we would start talking exit strategy. I'm really hoping to avoid an induction because so many of them lead to c-sections and I REALLY want to avoid that! So hopefully this baby decides to get the show on the road in the next week!

Friday, February 15, 2013


Some funny things kids have said in the last couple weeks....

"You know, babies are a lot of work. You should probably check out a book on that so you can learn what you're supposed to do."

"Did you have that baby yet?" (Do you SEE me kid?!?)

"You were absent - did you go get your baby?" (Same reaction as above)

"Good thing it's a boy. Cause you know a lot about sports and Mr. H knows a lot about Legos. That's stuff you gotta know if you are having a boy."

"Wow. Your belly is BIG. Like even bigger than it used to be. I bet that hurts!"

"Will you bring the baby to school to help teach and see us?"

"Are you quitting your job for ever? Or just quitting for a little while?"

And my personal favorite...

"My mommy had a boy and he is 9 months old now. Once when she was still 'nurse-feeding' him she had to take me to the doctor and he didn't come. But there were 2 other babies there. And they were crying! And my mommy's boobies started leaking! She got milk everywhere! All over her clothes and everything! IT WAS SO FUNNY! That could totally happen to you!"

Thursday, February 14, 2013

First Real Trip to L&D

I earned myself a trip to labor and delivery today. Very exciting times. On the way to work, I was driving along (all by myself, unusually enough, because I was supposed to leave work 25 minutes early for a dr's appointment) and poof I felt the tell tale back flank beginning pains of a kidney stone. I have experienced the pain twice before in my life. Once, I was at school and had no idea what it was so I stayed at school for lots of hours at which point it eventually became unbearable and I wound up going to the ER. With all the medical stuff I've gone through, that was by far the most painful thing I've experienced. I actually told the nurse "I need to call anyone I ever said I was having '10' pain for and apologize because I knew nothing!" I also remember telling her "Now I know why people become drug addicts" when she gave me the morphine. The second time I had a stone, I knew right away so I went to the ER and said it was starting and I wanted the meds before it got bad. I'm pretty sure "DRUG SEEKER" was stamped all over my chart that day because I came before it got bad so I was still coherent, standing, and able to answer questions unlike the first time. But a CT scan confirmed it and they managed my pain.

Knowing there's a 36 week 6 day baby inside of me, I figured there would be no CT scan or xray or heavy drugs to manage the pain, and while I was 99% sure it was kidney pain, several people at school asked if I was sure it wasn't labor. So I called the on call guy and asked how I tell the difference. He was confused because I was coherent and speaking in complete sentences so I explained that I thought the pain had just started, and I recognized it as kidney pain - that I wasn't in the 'kill me now' stage yet. He told me to go to L&D to get checked out.

A nurse met me and hooked me up in triage and I hung out for an hour and a half or so while I waited for Mike to arrive. (Poor guy, when I called the office got all deflated because his surprise baby shower was supposed to be today!) About a half hour after that the doc showed up after finishing someone's C-section. They told me that I was having lots of contractions (news to me, I thought it was just the baby moving) but that the pattern of contractions was consistent with bladder/kidney irritation. (Who knew those things could be related?)

They did an internal exam to make sure the contractions weren't doing anything. The first exam he did blind, and he said "well, you're either having this baby right now, or that polyp got huge." So then he did a second one to see what was going on. To the best of their knowledge, the contractions are not doing anything. However, the previously large polyp has now reached "gigantic" and "Hey nurse come check this out because you won't see it again" proportions and is blocking some access to telling exactly what is going on there.

FYI if a doctor ever precedes something with the sentence "You should think of a happy place right now" - what he's about to do isn't gonna be very nice. :)

So they sent me home. They can't 100% diagnose a stone without an xray but told me to just super hydrate and hope for the best. Yay!? ;)

Saturday, February 2, 2013

35/35/35 (One Day Late!)

Since my favorite baseball player was #35, whenever that number pops up I tend to notice.

Yesterday I hit the 35 week mark in this pregnancy. I try to enjoy little things like that since there's no guarantee that I'll ever be pregnant again. Thanks to some simple math, I could figure out that from the 35 week mark, there are 35 days until a due date. Whee! (Then you could add on the 35 month journey, for triple 35's!)

I had a doctor's appointment on Thursday evening with nothing real exciting going on. I'm enjoying the current string of boring. He did hem and haw a little about whether to give me another Rhogam shot because of a spotting incident earlier that day. (That ruined my 15 day spotting free streak!) I find it fascinating that some doctors in the practice are completely nonchalant about the whole thing and others think deeply about it each time. Eventually the decision was no based on when my last shot was. I hit the 25 pounds gained mark - THAT was exciting. ;)

I have one last shower at work next week. The last two girls at work to have first babies didn't make it to their shower date, even though we do them about a month in advance, so there's been much teasing in that department.

Comments I got this week:

From adults: (Notice the back and forth...)

"Are you having twins?"
"You're so small! How could you be due in 5 weeks?"
"Wow, you really dropped!"
"We'll really be able to tell when you're ready to go, because that bump is so high."
"Aw, your Ravens jersey still fits!"
"Wow, that jersey doesn't fit at all anymore does it?"
"Where did you find a maternity Ravens jersey?"

From kids:
"You're STILL pregnant?"
"Did you have your baby yet?"
"How's that cat doing in there?" (I often get asked 'what kind' of baby it is by the kids. They mean boy/girl, but since they ask what kind I always say it's a kitten and they giggle. So one 5th grader just calls it "the cat."