Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Trigger Already?

Last month, I started my monitoring on day 11 and it took 4 days of checking before the two follicles were big enough to take the trigger medicine to release the eggs. After the trigger, there was 36 hours until the procedure. (Everything is timed, not exactly to the minute, but down to a few hour window.) This month was vastly different. Today as soon as they started the u/s, a giant blob showed up. The doctor thought maybe it was a cyst, but they called a few hours later and said my bloodwork did point to it being a ready-to-go follicle and that I should take the shot ASAP and schedule the IUI for tomorrow morning. This worries me. I called back (since it was a message on my cell while I was teaching) and asked if this was just a hail Mary pass. I don’t want to be playing catch up if we missed the best window, since this is the last insurance covered IUI we have. (Seriously – why do insurance companies think that Infertility stuff is all just a bunch of random elective surgery?? After our measly tries, it’s covered the same as elective boob jobs. That annoys me. Anyway, I digress.) She said that we were still in the ok window and that my bloodwork says I’m fine. I asked about the oddity of last month having 36 hours between shot and procedure and this month having 18 hours between shot and procedure and she said that’s fine, there’s multiple ways of doing it. I have no choice but to believe them.

Then came the next situation. My husband wasn’t going to be home until after dinner. They said to take the shot as soon as I possibly could. That meant only one thing – I had to be a big girl and do it by myself. Ugh. Luckily, it’s only been a month since the last one and I remember that it seriously didn’t hurt, it was just the fear that was bad. That helped a lot. I did get a little ribbing from my husband though when I called him to tell him. He did offer to come home and do it before he went to the gym, but I said that was silly and I’d be fine. Then, as I was having a mental image of driving to the gym with a needle in my hand for him to jab in me, he said “If you show up at the gym with that thing I’m going to point and laugh!” J In the end, all was well. I did it on the first try. Even though a few people who give themselves shots had warned me that skin has more resistance than you’d think, I was still surprised how much I really did have to push the thing in. But I am proud of myself now. J

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