Monday, October 29, 2012

Monthly Appointment

I'm at about 21 and a half weeks now. We had our regular monthly appointment today and had the doctor I like the best. She shared the official results of our anatomy scan from a couple weeks ago. Everything is officially ok. However they are recommending that we do a fetal echo (heart test) because we had to do ICSI. Nothing is appearing wrong based on this test, but they recommend double checking. Medicine has come so far that if they find a problem now, they can solve them sooner. Hopefully they won't find anything to solve.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Anatomy Scan

Today was our big 20 week ultrasound. Thankfully, the baby has all the body parts it needs and they all appear to be working properly. We were a little concerned that there was a problem with the heart because the ultrasound tech spent a lot of time there and was making faces at the computer screen, however, it turned out that the baby just wouldn't get in the right position to get the necessary pictures.

For the last couple weeks, people at work have been asking constantly when we were going to find out the gender. It fascinates me that people care so much. I have noticed that the few people I know that are part of the "IF Club" don't ask. They know that it doesn't matter. They know that even the "oh as long as it's healthy!" line is annoying too. Because I wouldn't love the kid any less if it wasn't healthy. We did all the genetic testing and screening not because we would have chosen to end the pregnancy, but to be prepared. When you're used to doctors giving you bad news all the time, you like to go in to things with your eyes open. So honestly, we're just hoping for human. And today's scan told us that's what we are getting!

Today was also the first time I "outed" us on Facebook and Twitter. Yesterday I was able to tell my former boss in person (and she totally wins for best reaction, by the way!) and the last couple friends of my husband were emailed, and that covered our bases for people who would kill us if they found out on FB. I also felt secure enough to share the news after a positive scan. It was scary to do, but I did it anyway. Then 5 minutes later the bleeding was back and I was second guessing my decision!!!! But deep breaths .... we're half way there.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October visit

We had the same doctor this month as last time and our appointment was pretty quick again. I thought I was going to get a flu shot, but their paperwork wasn't set up yet so I escaped that fate for awhile. (You'd think I'd be over the needle thing by now!!!!) I'm pretty concerned about the flu shot thing because of my weird reactions to all medicines. I've been advised in the past to avoid the flu shot, but this is a different situation so I have to defer to the OB. All I can do is hope for the best! Now, to keep my fingers crossed that we make it to our next month appointment without an emergency visit in between!!