Monday, December 17, 2012

Passed a TON of tests!

Unlike last month's appointment which took over an hour to be seen and get out of there, tonight's appointment was only 10 minutes. I want a doctor that will stay and talk if I deem it necessary or if there's something to be said, but I don't need small talk if it's not necessary. Bing bang boom! It was basically all good news. Happens rarely, but it's my favorite type of appointment!

I don't have gestational diabetes. Yay! Even more importantly, I did NOT create antibodies based on our positive/negative blood types so my previous Rhogam shots did their jobs. (I didn't get to get my shot tonight because they're out of Rhogam, so I have to go back tomorrow, but that is ok.) I don't have syphilis either. (surprise. Not.) And I'm not anemic. (They told us at baby class that half the people who come in to the hospital in labor are either anemic or approaching it because the baby sucks iron. My cholesterol probably stinks these days, but I love red meat and it's good for not getting anemic so yay for that. Plus he said he'd extend my prescription for PT as long as I felt it was helping me. Quadruple yay!

AND, we were in the car at 6:10 for our 6pm appointment. I dig it.

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