Saturday, February 2, 2013

35/35/35 (One Day Late!)

Since my favorite baseball player was #35, whenever that number pops up I tend to notice.

Yesterday I hit the 35 week mark in this pregnancy. I try to enjoy little things like that since there's no guarantee that I'll ever be pregnant again. Thanks to some simple math, I could figure out that from the 35 week mark, there are 35 days until a due date. Whee! (Then you could add on the 35 month journey, for triple 35's!)

I had a doctor's appointment on Thursday evening with nothing real exciting going on. I'm enjoying the current string of boring. He did hem and haw a little about whether to give me another Rhogam shot because of a spotting incident earlier that day. (That ruined my 15 day spotting free streak!) I find it fascinating that some doctors in the practice are completely nonchalant about the whole thing and others think deeply about it each time. Eventually the decision was no based on when my last shot was. I hit the 25 pounds gained mark - THAT was exciting. ;)

I have one last shower at work next week. The last two girls at work to have first babies didn't make it to their shower date, even though we do them about a month in advance, so there's been much teasing in that department.

Comments I got this week:

From adults: (Notice the back and forth...)

"Are you having twins?"
"You're so small! How could you be due in 5 weeks?"
"Wow, you really dropped!"
"We'll really be able to tell when you're ready to go, because that bump is so high."
"Aw, your Ravens jersey still fits!"
"Wow, that jersey doesn't fit at all anymore does it?"
"Where did you find a maternity Ravens jersey?"

From kids:
"You're STILL pregnant?"
"Did you have your baby yet?"
"How's that cat doing in there?" (I often get asked 'what kind' of baby it is by the kids. They mean boy/girl, but since they ask what kind I always say it's a kitten and they giggle. So one 5th grader just calls it "the cat."

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