Saturday, February 19, 2011

Questions for the First Appointment

I'm hoping to get some real advice & seperate fact from fiction at my appointment on Monday.  Here are some questions on the list, as compiled from message boards, books, and things that I really want to know.

Logistics Category:
Who will I see at my appointments?  Nurses? Doctors? Midwives?

How often will I have appointments?

What will happen at the appointments?  Which ones do husbands usually attend?

When will the ultrasounds happen?  How many will there be? 

Do I pay a copay at each appointment, or is there a big fee that will cover all of them?

Food & Drink Category:
I already don't drink alcohol & caffeine.  Is there anything else food/drink wise that I have to avoid?  Is it ok to eat lunch meat?  

Can I subsitute fruits for veggies in my diet?  I'm currently eating lots of fruit, several varieties a day, but I just can't get the veggies down.  I thought when I was an adult & then when I was pregnant that I'd just magically be able to do it, but I can't.

I am trying to increase the dairy, making sure I eat cheese, etc.  I can't eat yogurt b/c of migraines, and I'm trying my best with the milk.  Is calcium OJ or "kids" vitamin filled OJ an Ok choice??

Lifestyle Category:

Is it true that I can't take hot baths?  How warm can I go?  I've been off fibro meds for almost 3 years and it's the only way I've been able to stop the leg pain.

What medicines can I take for headaches? Colds? Sinus infections?

What exercise should I do or not do?  Is swimming ok? Water aerobics? Can I work with my trainer if she knows I'm pregnant? Zumba? Yoga? Pilates? Do you know of places that have prenatal yoga or pilates nearby?

How long into the pregnancy can I travel by car or plane?  

Can I change the litter?  My cat has never been outside.

Can I garden as the weather gets better?  I've heard no on the basis of neighborhood cats could be using the flower beds as a litter box.

Are there restrictions to how much I can lift and or bend over?  I move large piles of heavy books on a regular basis.  I imagine that as long as I feel ok I can keep doing what I'm doing.

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