Monday, May 21, 2012

Injection Class

I honestly never thought I’d be going to something called “Injection class.” My darling husband enjoyed it way more than me. #1 – he’s not a needle phobe, #2 – it isn’t his stomach! J Luckily, I’ve been able to keep my sense of humor intact about the whole thing because if I don’t, I will lose my ever loving mind. It was really useful to walk through the stuff with the nurse because these meds are much more complicated than a simple pre-filled syringe. For several of them, there’s a pressed tablet (think like the Smarties candy) in the bottom of one bottle and liquid in another bottle. I have to draw up a certain amount of liquid, squirt it into the tablet’s bottle, swirl to mix without shaking (bubbles are bad!) and then switch to the baby needle before injecting. Lots of steps! Especially because there will be multiple bottles a night. My husband learned how to do everything too so that when I freak out there will be a rational mind around. He also had to learn to do the big shot in the butt muscle for the end. Joy! But at least we’re ready to do this now.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Hot Stone Massage

Today I treated myself to a great present. A chocolate hot stone massage! I had wanted to do that back when I was in Hershey, but I couldn’t since I was in the 2 week window of my first IUI. I thought about going up to Hershey to do the hot chocolate bath as pre-treatment de-stressing gift, but decided that was over the top and too expensive. I found a local place that does hot stone massages and also has the chocolate option so that’s where I went. It was a cute little house in downtown Bel Air. While I can see why people who are in to the deep kneading type of massage would find the hot stone style boring, I loved it. It was perfect for my fibromyalgia because it was long and lengthening rather than deep. I’d do it every week if I could afford it! J However, it’s nice to know that I could afford a couple of the ones here locally for the same price as one in Hershey, without the travel costs. 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Mock Transfer

Today was one of my more odd tests, a “mock transfer” or “saline sonogram.” They did a map of my insides by filling everything with saline and watching on the ultrasound. It has something to do with the day they put the embryos back in – making sure they know if there are any spots to avoid. Technology, especially medical technology, fascinates me.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Meds...Lots and Lots of Meds

We got a giant box of medicine today. Holy aye carumba! Not to mention tons of syringes, extra needles, and a sharps container. I must say, thank goodness for my quality health insurance. Since this cycle is covered, I only had to pay my copay for each medicine. Some of the meds are still fancy and brand name, so they cost me $50 with my plan. But some are generic, so they are free! Needles and syringes are like a penny or something crazy like that. We did the math, and it is a box of over $6,000 worth of meds & supplies, and only cost us $200. Thank goodness. I honestly don’t know how we would make all of this work without insurance.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Starting the BCPs

Today, it begins. Birth control pills. (Which still makes me laugh at the thought.) The last day my body’s hormones are my own … hopefully for almost a year? ;)