Monday, May 21, 2012

Injection Class

I honestly never thought I’d be going to something called “Injection class.” My darling husband enjoyed it way more than me. #1 – he’s not a needle phobe, #2 – it isn’t his stomach! J Luckily, I’ve been able to keep my sense of humor intact about the whole thing because if I don’t, I will lose my ever loving mind. It was really useful to walk through the stuff with the nurse because these meds are much more complicated than a simple pre-filled syringe. For several of them, there’s a pressed tablet (think like the Smarties candy) in the bottom of one bottle and liquid in another bottle. I have to draw up a certain amount of liquid, squirt it into the tablet’s bottle, swirl to mix without shaking (bubbles are bad!) and then switch to the baby needle before injecting. Lots of steps! Especially because there will be multiple bottles a night. My husband learned how to do everything too so that when I freak out there will be a rational mind around. He also had to learn to do the big shot in the butt muscle for the end. Joy! But at least we’re ready to do this now.

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