Friday, July 25, 2014

2nd Ultrasound

We had our 2nd ultrasound today. The little bean is a couple days behind schedule, but the doctor said it was still within normal range. It did spark a little worry in my brain though, because when we had our ultrasound with our first pregnancy, the baby was a couple days behind and then a week later we lost it without knowing it for another week after that. She said the heartbeat was at a good speed and she wasn't concerned though. We have one more u/s scheduled with the RE and then we switch to the OB. Crazy. It's amazing how often I forget that I'm even pregnant this time, being so busy chasing a toddler. There have been a couple evenings where I haven't felt great, but I've never felt awful. Every time I think I'm starting to feel sick, I eat something and it helps. The large quantity of times I eat a handful of this that or the other is probably the reason my pants don't fit rather than the 1 centimeter baby floating around inside. So hopefully the next u/s shows the right amount of growth so that I can stop worrying a little more...

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