Monday, January 10, 2011

No More Holes!

The advantage of the HSG test today was that they G did not have to make any holes that my body doesn't normally have.  I was happy to find out the contrast didn't have to go through an IV because I still have a little bruising from my colonoscopy IV in December.  Woohoo!  They just used a thin tube and shot it in through a catheter.  I found the test interesting, because it had almost a video xray.  When I laid down, I saw hips on the screen - so I shook my hips to see if the screen's image would move.  They did - video xray!  Super awesome. :)  They injected the contrast (Did you know your uterine cavity is a triangle? I did not. It looked like a glowing arrowhead. Crazy!) and everything was where it belonged.  It was not completely pleasant - definitely some cramping, but only for a few seconds.  Not as bad as I thought it might be from reading about it ahead of time.  Apparently if there is a problem and the dye can't get through, then it can really hurt.  So I'm good.

Bonus good thing of the day - the parking garage attendant was backed up so he let a bunch of us leave without paying, just saying "Have a pleasant day!" as we pulled up to the window. 

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