Monday, January 3, 2011

Baseline Testing

Today was test number 1!  Simple ultrasound and a quick blood stick.  I did get to meet the lady who is our primary nurse, the financial counselor, and the PA who does a lot of the testing.  They were both friendly, but there wasn't a lot of time for chit chat because the place was hopping this morning.  I guess lots of these tests must or can be done in the early morning, because there were droves of women hanging out in the waiting room this morning.  I have 9 follicles on one side and 10 on the other which makes 19 - much bigger than the 10 that they want you to have as a minimum.  Therefore, so far there is nothing wrong.  That's a good thing. :)  However, nothing showed on the ultrasound that could be the cause of the pain - AND the simple wanding ultrasound hurt like a giant spike inside.  What could be causing this?!?!  I do like that I was able to go at 7am, because it means no time off from school.  Plus, my carpool mate couldn't ride with me today so I didn't have to inconvenience anyone.  

This afternoon they called with my blood work numbers - 
E2: 31 (Should be under 50)
FSH: 9.8 (Should be under 12)
PRL: 25.8 (Should be onder 25, but that little bit over is ok)

So everything is all good there too so far.

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