Monday, November 28, 2011

Bloodwork Results

Since there's a rule written somewhere that doctors are forbidden to call me with happy news, I got a somewhat disconcerting phone call today. They wanted to re-do my bloodwork since I'm a year older (and quickly approaching advanced maternal age at my ripe old age of 32 and almost a half!) and now some of it is wonky. The one that is bothering me the most is a marker that something could be up with my pituitary gland. My mom has a hundred and one issues with hers, but as far as we know they're secondary to her tumor removal. But what if they're not? What if I inherited some kind of "your pituitary gland hates you" gene? Honestly, when she mentioned that tiny (so tiny they don't always show up on scans) tumor in my head could be causing this, I lost my ever loving mind. But then, I remembered everything I have learned at Brain Tumor Day! You see, I have driven my mom to Pituitary Patient Education Day at Hopkins for the last 3 years. The presentations are usually similar (see: PowerPoint slide with xray of Homer Simpson & a tiny brain) but I know big words like micro-adenoma. If that's what it is, I take a pill and my hormones go back to normal. Who knew that the tumor option could be the best case scenario?

I have to go back tomorrow to a different lab to get the bloodwork drawn again. No stress, none at all, right? Sigh.

P.S. I don't want a brain tumor. Even if a pill fixes it.

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