Friday, August 10, 2012

10 weeks and Scared Out Of My Mind

Today is 10 weeks. I should be over the moon! I am past my previous milestone date and today's the last day of  all my IVF medications. No more progesterone, no more estrogen, no more baby asprin! The end of the IVF road, the day where I turn into a "regular" pregnant person. But my SCH spotting (or at least what I hope is SCH spotting) has been pretty active since yesterday. I had red 3 times in 2 days. (Not heavy, but hadn't had red in awhile.) For weeks I've been wanting this day to come because I was going to be so excited and happy! Instead, I'm scared to death that something is wrong. Since the last u/s at the RE (2 weeks ago) showed that my SCH was very small, the OB wasn't concerned with the fact that I was still spotting. But I hate it. If I hadn't had a missed m/c before maybe I wouldn't be as scared. But I am. And I hate it. 

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