Thursday, August 23, 2012

Trip to the ER

Yesterday was extremely confusing.

It was my first day with students. Therefore, I was up and about and being a normal person. It wasn't hurting me, I felt good, I just did my thing. I know that I do walk with more of a purpose when I'm working with 25 kids in the room or popping in somewhere to grab something in the 3 minutes between classes. But it's not like I was running a marathon or lifting weights! So I was surprised to go to the bathroom and realize the red was back.

I called the doctor's office and SURPRISE got through to someone without having to leave a message. I pushed the button for "If you're an OB patient with a question" and someone said "Hello?" I was shocked. So ALL I DID was ask that if the red was going to be par for the course now that I was up and about as opposed to lounging around all the time. She immediately told me I was going to need a Rhogam shot. I thought that was only a post-pregnancy thing, so I told her I had one after my D&C and she said I'd need another one. Plus an u/s. I wasn't really concerned about getting an u/s since I have one on Friday, but whatever. She said she'd ask and call me back.

She called back a couple minutes later and said they wanted to see me for the shot and a doppler listen rather than an u/s. When I told her I could be there around 5, she said that wouldn't work because the nurses leave at 4. (I couldn't have told you the nurse schedule, but I knew for a fact that I have an evening appointment in a couple weeks, so SOMEONE is there at 5!) "But," she said, "The Rhogam shot has to be done through L&D anyway, so just tell them we sent you and that they should do a doppler listen as well." Ok. I clarified where Labor & Delivery was since I've never actually been there, and I was good to go. (It should be noted that a friend who is in-the-know was nearby when the call happened and she remembers it the same way.)

Went home, waited a few minutes for my husband to get home, and off we went. We show up at L&D and the front desk is perplexed and confused. She makes a call to someone, they are perplexed and confused. That someone (who I wrongly thought was the doc's office and was in fact a nurse on the L&D floor) came to get me and said I had to go to the ER. WHY!?! I asked why I would need a Rhogam shot and she said well if you're having a m/c, then you need one. I DIDN'T THINK I WAS HAVING ONE BUT NOW YOU ARE STRESSING ME OUT.

So, long story shorter, we eventually got seen (after my friend was kind enough to bring me my laptop so I could get homework done ... the last time we were in the ER it was 14 hours, so I had to write sub plans just in case) and the doctor and nurse weren't sure why I was there either. The doc did a quick u/s, noticed everything was fine, called my OB practice, they apologized profusely for the confusion, said yes I needed a Rhogam shot because I was bleeding, did that, and sent me on my way.

Various medical professionals have known for a MONTH that I was bleeding. Why did I all of a sudden need emergency Rhogam TODAY!? And still nobody answered my "Is this par for the course because I'm walking around?" question.

I'm still confused.

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