Thursday, March 29, 2012

IUI Results :(

We got the official negative blood work news that our IUI did not work today. It is a LOT harder to not have success with a medicated cycle than it was to not have success over and over again on our own. It surprised me much it really stung, even though I had taken a home test and never gotten a positive so the phone call wasn’t a surprise. We are hoping to roll right into our 2nd (and final insurance covered) IUI cycle, but once again a vacation may hinder our chances. (We keep having the important weeks be major holidays!) Depending on how long it takes my period to get here, I may or may not be able to get the baseline bloodwork and ultrasound done before we go. It has to happen on specific days of the cycle. I can take the pills while we are gone because I’ll be back in time to check and see if they worked, but they have to clear me to take the meds first. Fingers crossed.

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