Saturday, March 10, 2012

Monitoring on Day 11

Today was my first monitoring appointment. Here's the basic gist. The Clomid I took earlier in the week for 5 days had the job of making multiple follicles. Usually in a month, one of your ovaries makes one follicle. A follicle grows like a bubble and a microscopic egg floats around inside. Then when you ovulate, the bubble pops and the egg starts on its journey. The job of Clomid is to make multiple bubbles so that your chances increase. Of course that also increases your chances for multiples, since you have more than one egg floating around in there. That's why I have to have ultrasounds and bloodwork every day now. They will make sure that an appropriate amount of eggs are maturing (so I don't wind up as Oct-Mom) and the bloodwork gets ready to tell them when I'm going to ovulate and release the eggs. Then I will take a shot (they tell me it's small and easy, but I'm nervous about the fact that my training to do so amounts to a YouTube video) to finish the egg maturation and click the ovulation into high gear. A day or two later they'll do the insemination and hopefully the train that leaves station A runs into the train leaving station B at the appropriate time.

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