Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Pre-Op Physical

So today being the first day of summer, my usual plans are to sleep until noon. I couldn’t do that today because I had to have a physical before getting knocked out tomorrow. I was shocked when they weighed me – I recognized that I got a little swollen during all the medications, but I gained a considerable amount of weight from all the hormone bloat. I figured there was something going on, because I went from 8’s being baggy to 8’s not buttoning in 2 weeks, without any changes in diet. But I was still surprised by the number. Oh well. All for a good cause.

My brother is on the east coast this week and is visiting my NJ relatives for the night. I was invited to go, but with having to be at GBMC tomorrow morning super early I just couldn’t make it work. I’m disappointed, but eventually I’ll tell them the whole story.

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