Sunday, June 17, 2012

When The Thing You Feared Is Now The Thing You Hope For...

We were meeting my in-laws for Father’s Day lunch today, but I didn’t want to get in the shower and miss the call for the update on whether the cells were still dividing. Finally, I couldn’t wait any longer so I jumped in the shower. Of course they called while I was in there, and talked to my husband. All 3 are still dividing. Today technically would have been day 3 based on the original egg retrieval, but since they didn’t fertilize for 24 hours, it’s now day 2 because they restart the counting. They told him that they want to transfer the embryos tomorrow on day 3 rather than waiting until day 5. They are concerned that because they were started with Rescue ICSI that they’re not as hearty as traditionally fertilized ones and that they have a better chance inside me than in a dish. Since it’s a day 3, they want to put 2 in rather than just the 1 we had decided to transfer on our day 5. (Ha, original plans, funny. Back when we thought there was any resemblance of control in this whole situation.) Since it’s a day 3 transfer, the chance of multiples is not as high, but it’s still a little nerve wracking to know that there’s the chance it could happen. We are still pretty nervous though, because they still have to make it through the night.

What a mind shift and life lesson. A couple weeks ago, a 3 day transfer was worst case scenario. Now, we'd give a limb to get that far.

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