Saturday, June 21, 2014

No Fert Report on Day 4

They don't look at the embryos on day 4. This is the point where they start morphing from just a small collection of cells to "blasts." We have an appointment for tomorrow morning for the transfer and a friend who is in on our secret is watching IVF cycle #1 for a couple hours. Thank goodness for good secret keeping friends!

Today is the first day that I have started to feel better. I don't feel good by any stretch, but I can stand up straight and walk normal amounts (just slowly.) I took a ride with hubby and child to a local blueberry/raspberry picking farm anticipating that I'd just sit in the car with the window down to enjoy being out of the house but I was actually able to meander slowly around and take a couple pictures and hold the berry container. I'm exhausted now but it isn't the same kind of pain that it has been, thank goodness! This will make tomorrow's transfer easier.

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