Friday, June 13, 2014

Stims Day 10 and Morning Monitoring

Now we're on every day bloodwork. Luckily my right arm made it through the Mon-Wed-Fri cycle, so I have one good arm going into the weekend. Fingers crossed that I don't have an issue tomorrow. The girl in Towson just isn't as good as the girl at my home office.

I've made some pals along the way this time. A set of girls was on the same schedule as me this week and we've been laughing at our situation all week. Seriously, if you can't roll your eyes at the absurdity of the things we know and have experienced, then you lose your mind. (And sometimes that happens anyway.) Today's conversation was about how crazy the birth control pills make us. And all 3 of us said something along the lines of "Well when I took pills earlier in my life, you know, when I thought I needed them..." but something is different about the ones we take for this. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way! What's also interesting is that we're all doing completely different versions of an IVF cycle. I'm doing what's called the antagonist protocol and doesn't use the medicine Lupron at all. One of them is using Lupron to be suppressed (instead of the BCP) and another one is using Lupron as a trigger shot which is the opposite of being suppressed. We didn't talk about what our actual issues are, but I'm sure that all plays into it.

This morning I had to do the crazy get up at 5:10 and dropoff at daycare schedule. But I'm pretty impressed that I only had to do that twice. I was envisioning doing it all week at one point, so the fact that it was twice was totally bearable. And he got picked up early from daycare because it was the Father's Day "Donuts With Dad" party so I felt a little less guilty for dropping him off so early!

Oh and finally, I realized that last night was day 9 which means I got past the day 9 issue I had last time where the doctor called to see if I had remembered to take my medicine, which I had indeed taken in the car in the city, so yay for that!

I have a 50/50 chance of getting to work on Monday. If I go tomorrow and they say I'm done, then my surgery will be monday. If I get through tomorrow, then I'm clear to finish the year. I did decide to give my principal a heads up just in case, but I'm hoping that I'll be ok. The u/s was showing that I might be ready, but the bloodwork is showing that I'm probably not. (Either that, or that I am, and only half the follicles have viable eggs in them.)

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