Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Stims, Day 1

1 cc of saline + 3 Bravelles +2 Menopurs = 1 shot

I think I'm going to wind up doing more shots this time around because of starting at the higher dose. I'm going to reach the one needle limit (6 bottles of meds) quicker. Doh! Mixing took me some more time today - partially because I haven't done it in 2 years and partially because I'm using the HUGE needle that comes with the syringe rather than using the Q Cap. The Q cap that comes with the meds is supposed to make it easier (idiot proof) but it leaves a little bit of meds in the bottle. Doctor decided that although the med company claims they build that into their formula, it is leaving too much in the bottle so they want me to mix with the needle. I did it, but it took some getting used to. (The meds are too expensive for a practice round!!)

I did have to say "It doesn't hurt that bad. It doesn't hurt that bad. It doesn't hurt that bad." Before I pushed it in. And then I laughed while it was in because I forgot how s-l-o-w-l-y a 30 gauge needle pushes in. I forgot about my favorite good ole 27. If I had remembered, I would have requested them for my evening medicine. The meds I start later in the morning have 27s pre-attached. So there's that to "look forward to."

1 day down. 13ish to go.

It's so hard to do this now - there's the mental part of looking forward to the end of the school year and counting down, while also counting up on days of this and then realizing that the end of the year just means the surgical and extra stressful stages of this experience.

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