Tuesday, June 24, 2014


We have 2 embryos that were able to be frozen. While I still very much want this cycle to work, it is a load off the back of my mind to have a back up plan. If we had not been able to freeze anything, then this cycle would have been our last chance. We are out of insurance coverage after this cycle, but saving up to pay for a frozen cycle is much more feasible than a fresh. (approximately $5k vs approximately $25k.) I really hope that we don't need a back up plan, but I'm glad it is there.

Morally and ethically, this definitely adds to the thought process of our lives, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. We knew what we were getting in to, and we haven't come to complete terms about what to do with any that are left when we consider our family complete. That's almost as hard as the rest of the process.

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