Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Day After The Last Pill


So I got up at 6:30am this morning, not so many hours after going to sleep. (Aren't you supposed to get lots of sleep on nights you're away from your baby alarm clock?!?!) I drove 90 minutes to get bloodwork and ultrasound. I found the new weekend office, walked in, AND THEY SAID I WAS NOT ON THE SCHEDULE.

Seeing as how I have screwed up so many scheduling things recently, I immediately assumed I had messed up.

But I made this appointment by voice, not by email.

And I verbally said to the nurse, "Really? June 1? That's the day I have to do it? That means we have to take 2 cars to the out of town wedding. Bummer."

So I knew I was right!

I found in my email (thank you smart phone) my IVF calendar that confirmed it.

A nurse came and got me and brought me into the "consult room" and said they couldn't do the bw and u/s because I had not been on the pills enough weeks - that my appointment was for next week.

But I told her I was already on my 2nd pack, so then we figured out that perhaps my nurse just clicked the wrong Sunday on the calendar.


And everything came out ok. I start my shots on Wednesday. Yay?

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