Saturday, June 14, 2014

Stims Day 11, Trigger, Oh Just Kidding!

I went into my morning monitoring appointment this morning thinking "One more day! One more day!" But as soon as the tech saw my "bubbles" she said she thought they'd tell me I was done. Then Dr. Y came in and said "You're done! Trigger tonight!" So, ok.

They don't do the physical and bloodwork on the day between anymore, so I was going to have Sunday off completely after we did the big shot tonight. They drew the target on my butt for hubby to stick the big HCG shot in and sent me on my way.

Then later this afternoon they called and said due to my bloodwork numbers, they were postponing trigger to tomorrow. I'm a little worried that my bubbles are big and ready to go without my E level being up. Hopefully I don't have a lot of empty bubbles. But then again, we know for sure that it only takes one. Still frustrating.

I'm totally OK with waiting until tomorrow to trigger because that means I can go to work on Monday. Of course I had already emailed my principal to say I would be out and I had already emailed daycare to say that the kid would be there on Monday even though he isn't usually there before the "just kidding" call. Oh well!

So instead of trigger, I did 4 vials of each again tonight and will do my Gan in the morning. And drive to Towson. (And then drive home. And then drive past Towson several hours later to a Father's Day party.) Good thing my right arm didn't bruise this morning so I still have one functional vein left!

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